Recent Kingdom Notes

January 13, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Office of the Seneschal

Title Name
Kingdom Seneschal Sir Hjörr Hryggr Hákonarson
Jerry Gordon
Successor Deputy (Q4 2026) βαρόνη (Varoni) Thalassia Hellenis, OP
Kingdom Administrative Deputy to the Seneschal Maestra Ambra Michelli, OL, OP
Samantha Moore
(Feel encouraged to ping me on Facebook or email me)
Kingdom Constable Mistress Sythean Lina “Meridith”
Meridith Cain
Kingdom Deputy for Social Media
(Successor Position Open – Apply Today >>)
Baroness Gudrun Rauðhárr
Kristina Brock
772-285-4759 – Phone Calls from 4:00 to 9:00 PM only
Kingdom Minister of Youth HL Ekaterzyna Silesia
(Deputy – Lady Sarah Bekah the Gentle)
Joan Creasey
Sarah Shaw
Kingdom Communications Equipment Deputy HL Conall Howell moa Steven Howell
Steven Howell
Kingdom Disaster Coordinator Deputy Mistress Sythean Lina “Meridith”, OP
Meridith Chandler
Merchant Coordinator for Kingdom Events Mistress Sythean Lina “Meridith”, OP
Meridith Chandler
Kingdom Site Selection & Regalia Committee Duchess Grainne ingen Aloin meic Cerbaill, OP, OR, OL and Dame Kahlan Stertikona
Grainne O’Carroll & Candace Mclendon
Kingdom Waivers Deputy Idonea Tiger
Laura Worrell
Kingdom Calendar Deputy Baroness Kale Adriane, OP
Successor Deputy: HL Eadgyth of Oldenfeld | MKA Michele Miller
Kingdom Discord Deputy Lord Konrad Einholt

Successor Deputy: Azriel Thorkilson

Incipient Group Deputy Dormant

Lesser Officers:


Links of Interest



Attention All On/Off-Boarding for All Officer Deputies/Officers:
(Applies to all Deputies/Officers at Kingdom and Local levels – Not Exclusive to the Seneschal Office)

Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy 
To transition one’s Office, all Greater, Lesser, and Group Officers must be Warranted – per kingdom law.
Before a Warrant may be signed by Greater/Society Officer and Crown, all serving Officers must adhere to the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy, before a successor deputy may be approved by their direct-report.
This will ensure all paid members have equal opportunity to apply, potentially serve, and in time advance within our Kingdom, and all resources throughout a group or Kingdom are duly considered by those to whom they will report.
To create or replace any deputy, and later successor, and successfully On-Board one’s replacement, the open position must be advertised for 30 days and adhere to the following procedure:
  • Provide a complete description of the job details must be accessible to all candidates.
  • Be advertised in 3 out of 4 of the following forums:
    Verbally at a live or Zoom meetings, in the local newsletter, on any of our social media platforms, or posted on the local group website. (If a group does not have the means for 3 of these options, engage the Seneschal to confirm what options are available to you and for approval)
  • Once posted it must stay up for a minimum of 30 days.
  • All applicants must hold a current active SCA blue card membership.
    It cannot be expired. If at any time it expires in an officers tenure, it voids the warrant and another must be procured.
  • Group Seneschal Signs Off On All Group Officer Applications
    Once applications are collected and reviewed, then as the legal representative of the group, the local Seneschal must approve the officer as active and a member in good standing.

    • Courtesy note: Once a deputy/officer has been approved and their confirmation of willingness to serve secured, PRIOR to any announcement, ALL applicants must be advised of their selection status. Volunteers are precious and should hear feedback directly prior to it being advertised that they were or were not selected for an position for which they have applied.
  • Group Officer (or K. Deputy) Sends ALL Applications to K. Officer, with Recommendation
    Once Applications Confirmed as Active Members in Good Standing by Group Seneschal – Local Officer Will Submit ALL remaining applications, with their recommendations, to their Greater Officer, Confirming the Transparency of Opportunity Advert policy was met, and CC the Group Seneschal.
  • Applicant MUST Be Acceptable and Approved by the Kingdom Greater Officer and Crown 
    All Officers reporting to a Greater Officer must be acceptable to the Greater Kingdom Officer for their Warrant to be signed; and, as applicable, the Crown.

The Seneschal’s Handbook is in revision and this will be included there in. For now, please engage the K. Sen for any exceptions to the above standard (in-acted in 2021)