Recent Kingdom Notes

January 13, 2025

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Office of the Triskele Principal Herald


Title Name
Triskele Principal Herald Honorable Lord Taran Saraev
Charles Hill
407-907-7056 (text first please)
Jack Herald (Triskele Successor) Baron Gavine Armestrang
Jack@trimaris.orgCorey Steff

Seacat Herald (Triskele Secretary) Baroness Eadaoin inghean Fhuinch
Jade Premer
Sextant Herald (Order of Precedence) Baron Gareth de Taunton
Grant Simmons
Barque-Signet Herald (Scroll Replacement) Mistress Philomena Wensley, OP
Herald Point Coordinator Lord Makoto
Scribes Point Coordinator Vacant
Carrack Herald (North, South, East, West) M’Lord Vacant
Coracle Herald (Education) Honorable Lord Taran Saraev
Charles Hill
text first please
Sundial Herald (Protocol & Traditions) Countess Marcia Dulcitia, OL, OR, OP
Libby Brooks
Lymphad Herald (Name & Device Submissions) Honorable Lord Ephrem Orbeli
Jacob Lon McGrew
No calls after 10 pm
Hulk Herald (Submissions Administrator) Mistress Finnguala Inghean Alister, OP, OL
Susan Gibeault
10am – 11pm Please leave a message.
Archive Herald (Name Commentary & Consultation) Honorable Lady Isabel Margarita de Sotomayor y Perez de Gerena
Norma Perez
Ensign Herald (Device Commentary & Consultation) Baron Gavine Armestrang
Corey Steff
Trireme Herald – (Name & Device Returns and Resubmissions) Vacant
Caravel Herald (Court/Lyst Herald)
Baronos ‘Cal’ Calpurnia Fortuna
Mast Herald (Silent Herald) Baroness Marie le Mains, OP
Denise Chin
Chart-Signet Herald (Scroll Preparation for Court) Honorable Lady Margarita Di Rossi
Dhow Herald (Award Tokens) Baroness Chrysantha D’Argenta, OP
Kingdom Tournament Scribe (Deputy for the preparation of kingdom event tournament scrolls) Honorable Lady Ciar Ingen Ui MeicThire
Crystal Chapman
College of Scribes Mistress Maol Mide ingen Medra, OL, OP


Welcome to the Trimarian College of Heralds!

In the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), heraldry is the study of names and armory as they were used in period, registration of names and armory for participants, and all the areas of interest that go along with heraldry as a whole.

The Trimarian College of Heralds is here to assist you with all of your heraldic needs.  If you are looking for something specific, please check the list of deputy officers to see who will best be able to assist you.  A description of each office can be found below, while specific contact information is contained in the table above.

If you are looking for general information, or are interested in joining the College, please check out the Trimaris College of Heralds website.  If you are new to being the local herald for your group, that is also where you will find information on warranting!

About Us:

The Trimarian College of Heralds and the College of Scribes exist to provide heraldic and scribal services to the Crown and the populace of the Kingdom of Trimaris. Here are the various roles and responsibilities, grouped into a few main categories.


Triskele: The Triskele Herald is responsible for overseeing all heraldic activity within Trimaris.  They must meet all standard requirements but are also responsible for the care and upkeep of the College of Heralds as a whole.

Jack: The Jack Herald is the named successor to Triskele, once someone has been selected.

Seacat: The Seacat Herald functions as Triskele’s secretary, maintaining much of the paperwork associated with the office.

Sextant:  The Sextant Herald is responsible for updating and maintaining the order of precedence in Trimaris.

Barque-Signet:  The Barque-Signet Herald is responsible for working with populace members regarding missing or lost scrolls.

Point Coordinators:  The Heralds & Scribes Point Coordinators are responsible for setting up and organizing heralds/scribes point at the major Kingdom events.


Coracle:  The Coracle Herald is responsible for heraldic education within Trimaris. 

Sundial:  The Sundial Herald oversees the areas of protocol and traditions as applies to heraldic display, ceremonies, precedence, and other relevant areas.


Lymphad:  The Lymphad Herald is responsible for all submissions within Trimaris.

Hulk:  The Hulk Herald is responsible for the intake and administrative processing of all submissions.

Archive:  The Archive Herald is responsible for providing commentary and consultation regarding name submissions.

Ensign:  The Ensign Herald is responsible for providing commentary and consultation regarding device submissions.

Trireme:  The Trireme Herald is responsible for working with submitters when their items have been returned by Kingdom or Society.


Caravel:  The Caravel Herald is responsible for heralding royal courts and crown lyst.

Mast:  The Mast Herald is responsible for silent heraldry in Trimaris.

Chart-Signet:  The Chart-Signet Herald acts as the crown’s scribe.

Dhow:  The Dhow Herald is responsible for making or acquiring tokens for Kingdom awards.



College of Heralds Administration Policy – PDF Format

Trimaris Heralds Handbook 2019 – PDF Format

Heralds of Trimaris Facebook Group

Silent Herald Facebook Group

Dhow Herald’s Handbook – Google Document

Order of Precedence

Device Submission Form

Name Submission Form – Individual

Name Submission Form – Branch

Badge Submission Form


College of Scribes:

The Trimaris College of Scribes works to foster the scribal arts within the Kingdom of Trimaris and to provide award charters for use during Royal Court under the direction of the Chart Signet of Trimaris. The goal of the Trimaris College of Scribes is to produce beautiful pieces of scribal artwork to award those found worthy by the Crown, foster the talents of our artisans, and promote the medieval scribal arts through continued study and education.

College of Scribes website
Thank a Scribe – Online form