Recent Kingdom Notes

October 25, 2024

The Kingdom of Trimaris

The Three Seas of Power

Running a Demo in Trimaris

A basic guide to preparing for, presenting and following up after SCA demos in Trimaris.

Step 1: Fill out the demo status form.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the SCA Demo Policy.

Step 3: Fighting at your demo. 
If you will have fighting at your demo, do you have a marshal in charge? This and policies on fighting at demos, handling armor and handling weapons are covered in the demo policy.

Step 4: Would you like SCA bookmarks to distribute at your demo? 
If so, how many would you like? We can make sure these get to you. Please let us know which events you will be attending between now and your demo and also provide the Hospitaller or Demo Deputy with your mailing address in case they will need to send your bookmarks by post.

Step 5: Consider your needs. 
If the demo will be held outside, you will likely need to provide tents and may need to bring your own tables.
Draft a list of your needs and solicit help from your local group and officers if you are having trouble filling your needs.
Draft a list of how many volunteers you will need for set-up, the demo period and tear down.

Step 6: Solicit volunteers from your local group. 
Ask for help from the local marshall, arts and science officer, herald, seneschall or any other officer or local who may be able to assist.
Remember that you may need specific help with setup and teardown of your demo.
Be sure to consider your audience and solicit appropriate volunteers. Work to find volunteers who will work best with the audience to whom you will be presenting.
Let your volunteers know what kind of audience they will be dealing with so they can bring age appropriate crafts or consider additional safety features for the demo.
Ask your volunteers to review Recruiting and Retention Basics for the SCA and consider these ideas and concepts when approaching the demo.

Step 7: Prepare a guestbook. 
Simple guestbook sheets can be created that collect information from interested demo-goers. Try to collect the following information:
Email Address:
Zip Code:
Which SCA member or members were helpful today:

Step 8: Demo setup. 
Make sure to check in with the school office or demo contact for the group requesting your demo when you arrive.
Put up your tents or tables at your demo location. Cover tables and mundane objects to create an attractive and medieval-looking space for your demo.
Review what arts, crafts, fighting or other demonstrations that you have and make sure each has their own space and enough people for staffing.
Brief your volunteers on the plan for the day and set up shifts so that volunteers can take short breaks to eat or rest if needed.

Step 9: The demo. 
Have a good time and show your guests why you love the SCA. Your enthusiasm is infectious.
Greet guests who enter the demo area. Engage the guests and ask them what their interests are so you can properly direct them or just suggest they browse around the demo area. Thanks visitors as they leave.
Put the guestbook out somewhere obvious and remind your volunteers to suggest signing the guestbook to visitors who seem interested or excited.

Step 10: After the demo. 
Pack Up: After the demo is torn down and packed up, make sure to check in with your demo contact to let them know you are leaving.
Get in Contact: Within a few days give the guestbook to your local hospitaller, seneschal or whoever else will be making contact with your interested visitors. Make sure to contact interested visitors in a prompt fashion. Invite them to a local meeting or local class night based on what interests they listed in the guestbook. If an interested visitor lives far away or within the boundaries of another local group, share their information with their local hospitaller or officers. Help to make finding and attending SCA meetings, classes and events as easy as possible for potential members.
After Demo Report: Fill out the After Demo Report. Let us know approximately how many visitors your demo worked with, how many guestbook responses your received, who your volunteers were, if any were particularly helpful and what your plan is for getting in contact with your interested visitors. Also let us know if you need any help with follow up